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A great candidate experience brings top talent back

Attract top talent with a great candidate experience

MetaBlue is purpose-built to serve the new era of extended workforces, providing businesses with a simple, effective way of sourcing the resources they need directly.  We’ve designed every step a candidate takes to be simple and enjoyable. That’s why candidates recommend us and keep coming back.

candidate experience illustration

We concentrate on the small things so candidates don’t have to

Sometimes, it’s the little things—the smaller touches—that make all the difference. In the case of talent portals and hiring platforms, we think that’s certainly true.

Our passion and commitment to customers is to fashion technology that’s simple to install, learn and use. Technology that combines best-in-class digital innovations with a pragmatic appreciation of how the talent industry works, and what it takes to finely tune every stage in the talent sourcing and management lifecycle to work smarter.

A lifecycle approach

We present an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly candidate experience that supports them at every stage in the hiring and onboarding process.

AI-powered results

We curate candidates and job opportunities using clever AI algorithms to bring you and your top talent together on the same page.

Usability features

Easy-to-live-with usability features (available on mobile and desktop) benefit candidates by cutting time spent on boring admin tasks.

The Application Journey



A simple registration experience makes joining the MetaBlue work community painless for everyone


Build profile

Auto-build features make light work of creating a comprehensive profile for external workers



Our AI-powered chatbots understand ‘intent’ to help external workers find the jobs best-suited to their skills, answering any questions along the way


Job Search

Using the latest search technologies, it’s easier for workers to find the jobs best-suited to their circumstances and skills



Sign up or sign in via Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, create a profile easily by uploading a resume or signing in with a LinkedIn account


Evidence Results

Use the success of completed projects to find other, similar work to build a work career and work portfolio



Workers can leverage onboard social tools to amplify their talents


Manage Account

Manage profile and account settings.  Save job preferences.  Adjust account settings and stay on top of notifications.

Interested in hiring talent on-demand?

Experience MetaBlue and discover a smarter way of sourcing talent